Amerikaz. Most. Wanted interactive entertainment is now in the streetz and online!!! We will keep you posted with all the AMW i.e. events. From the clubs, to the streetz, and even on tour; you will always know how it goes down!!! Don't for get to visit our site for all your interactive entertainment needs.
Mix CD's are now available.....Go to for exclusive music.
“Providing captivating entertainment and media solutions for artists and business in the urban community.”
Recruiting writers for the Re-luanch of an entertainment news and lifestyle blog themed around the urban community. Articles will be about 350-600 words in length. Numerous writers are needed and required to keep content fresh and ensure the best of the best gets published. Articles must be error-free and of good quality.
THESE ARE VOLUNTEERED ARTICLES. The ones chosen will be posted with you name as author, picture and link to your personal blog. (no links will be made to competing sites, or sites with questionable or adverse content, and will be solely up tom the discretion of AMW !.e.) There will be frequent posts and this is a good opportunity for budding writers wishing to create a name and online reference for a body of work.
All those interested please read details and apply here.Articles posted will be paid a stipend of $2 for each post to the web. Payments will be made the 1st of each month for the prior months work. Most importantly, I will hold copyright for all the articles that you write. You should not use the content elsewhere for promotion without written consent.