Saturday, August 04, 2007

David Banner – The Philanthropist

David Banner – The Philanthropist
AMW !.e. Talent: Andrea M. White
August 1, 200

Whether its the drama of Usher’s on-again/off-again engagement, the Mike Vick dog fighting controversy, or the competition for attention from Lindsey, Paris or Nicole, it seems like today’s young stars are competing constantly for negative press attention. This summer alone, there has been more than enough negative publicity from a variety of young actors, rappers, producers, etc; and the press has been diving into this pool of unconstructive behavior. Even the Fugees, everybody’s favorite rap trio, can’t seem to keep family business in the family. Amidst the controversies, back-biting, trash-talking and questionable celebrity relationships, it is always nice when we have a celebrity who defies the odds and does something encouraging and constructive that uplifts our community. My favorite rapper of the month has to be David Banner who constantly gives back to his Mississippi home.

Rapper/Producer/Composer, David Banner, who has contributed much of his time and money into rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, took 80 kids from Stewpot Neighborhood Children's program in Jackson, Mississippi on an all expense paid trip to Six Flags in Georgia. What makes this so special is that many kids, especially here in the south; rarely get a chance to leave their neighborhoods, let alone their state. According to Stewpot Community Services Counselor, Sherry Adams, “The children that we serve at Stewpot would not normally be able to go on an 'out of town' trip. Most of the kids in the community have not been out of Mississippi. Because of Banner's love for our community, he makes it possible for our kids to travel outside of Mississippi, on a fun and exciting summer trip every year. David made it all possible because these kids don't have to pay a dime.” Banner supplied the troop with a bus, food, t-shirts and tickets to the park.
Though this story may not be considered newsworthy, especially in comparison to today’s standards that define celebrity news, this story is extremely special. It shows a side of Banner that will never be displayed or reported through traditional news mediums. It is also an everyday example of what many of our rappers, athletes, and singers are doing everyday throughout communities all over this country that will never be reported or discussed.

I say kudos to Banner and all those who take time out of their celebrity lives to give back and make a difference.
According to, Banner, whose next album “The Greatest Story Ever Told” is due in October, has been sponsoring these trips to Six Flags since 2005, hoping to introduce the Stewpot kids to different environments. - The Hip-Hop Shop!

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