Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Freeman to Play Mandela!!!

Freeman to Play Mandela – Yess!!!
AMW !.e. Talent: Andrea M. White
July 2, 2007

Man, this HAS to be the most perfect casting role of all time. Oscar winner (and frankly one of the stars of one of my most favorite movies, Shawshank Redemption), Morgan Freeman will portray Nelson Mandela in a feature film, “The Human Factor,” based on a book of the same title written by John Carlin. Freeman’s production company, Revelations Entertainment, announced that they will start film production in 2008.

Freeman stated that he has known the former President of South African and Nobel Peace Prize Winner for many years. Freeman says, “I am continually in awe of his enormous presence in the world. The opportunity to portray him in this film is a great honor.”

This is just truly exciting news; there is no one who can bring Mandela to the screen better than Freeman. Mandela’s story is powerful and sad at the same time. Mandela was the face of the anti-apartheid movement; he was also the leader of the African National Congress. Mandela led the struggle for equal opportunity and equal representation in government, and sympathizers of apartheid called this peaceful leader a terrorist and a communist. The courageous leader of equal rights was unfairly and unjustly sentenced to a twenty-seven year sentence (sidenote - The arrest was allegedly made possible because the CIA tipped off Mandela’s whereabouts.) After twenty-seven years behind a cell, he was released and succeeded at creating an anti-apartheid, democratic, equally represented government in South Africa. This is just a slight summary, but there are so many people that do not know the story and the shady details; it is important that this story is told. It is important that we Learn and Remember.

If you can’t tell already, I’m excited about this movie and there is no one else who could play this role other than Morgan Freeman. Everyone get on your knees and pray that this movie does not meet the long-awaited fate of Marvin Gaye and Miles Davis’ movie - (whassup Jesse L. Martin and Don Cheadle). Support Black Film and as always, It is important that we Learn and Remember!

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